About The Author

Wayne Welch

I was born in my grandparents’ home  in Judson, North Carolina. Judson no longer exists. It lies at the bottom of Fontana Lake. Until age 4 I lived in a log house built by my father and grandfather. When Fontana dam was built, the lake flooded all access to our property and we were forced to move. This property is now part of the great Smoky Mountains national Park. My father was quite ill with tuberculosis and died at age 32 when I was five. My mother had two years college and a teaching certificate and she taught school in one room school houses with eight grades in the same room all over western North Carolina. We lived in a series of rent houses with no electricity, running water, or inside plumbing.

I completed high school while living with my grandparents in Webster, North Carolina. After high school and a four year stint in the U.S. Air Force began college with one child. 10 years later when I graduated, I have four children. It required five more years to complete a masters degree. For 10 more years I worked in the maximum-security unit at Rusk State Hospital and later in the Texas prison system while driving 130 miles each way to class from one to three times per week in pursuit of a PhD in psychology. This degree was not completed but instead, I moved to Houston to work in a Christ centered, acute care, psychiatric unit. This job was a breath of fresh air. I was now free to talk about God and use the Bible in therapy

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I was a pastor for a few years and left the church hurt and angry and in rebellion against God. God did not give up on me and wooed me back to himself. I have now been married for 63 years and have over 40 years experience in the mental health field. I have read the Bible through about 20 times. I recently retired from private practice as a Christian counselor and am focusing on writing and publishing. However, I remain open to whatever doors the Lord may decide to lead me through.

Since 2008 he has worked for a Christian psychologist in Tyler, Texas doing outpatient therapy with adults, children, and adolescents.

Mr. Welch specializes in helping patients identify and replace negative root beliefs such as: “I am a loser, failure, unlovable, a reject, I’m a bad person, and I should not exist.” He is fully trained in the various treatment modalities but relies heavily on prayer, scripture, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. He and his wife are still happily married after 62 years. He has published three books, two of which are children’s books: Ricky Raccoons Dangerous Adventure and Freddie the Flying Squirrel, the First Hangglider.
Both children’s books use animal stories to illustrate the importance of obeying your parents. His primary book however is the Bible speaks on mental health and personal growth issues, helps for hurting Christians and Christian counselors. This book includes a lifetime of experience in the Christian counseling field, Biblical insights, and information from the mental health field. It seeks to integrate the frequently antagonistic approaches of biblical and psychological counseling. It has been updated and expanded for the current edition. As Mordecai said to Esther (Esther 4:14b) “who knows whether we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”