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Why I wrote the book

To glorify God and help hurting people

This book began as a series of handouts to my patients. Most of these handouts are in their original format but some have been modified and amplified. My intent was and is to integrate Biblical insight and wisdom with psychological discoveries and insight. Psychology and the Bible have had an adversarial relationship. Yet both have a vested interest in helping hurting people. The Bible addresses spiritual issues but is not confined to only spiritual issues. It also addresses mental and emotional health as well as personal and interpersonal relationships. Sadly, Christians struggle in these areas in about the same percentage as non-Christians. This is not because the Bible is ineffective in dealing with these issues. It is because Christians are not aware or do not avail themselves of the resources God has so richly provided. This book attempts to address and clarify issues such as anxiety, depression self-esteem, relationships, etc. from a biblical as well as a psychological perspective. The Bible is incredibly rich in resources to address all these issues and many more. The Bible is not a dead book written thousands of years ago but is alive and pertinent in 2023! I have included several pertinent quotes from other authors such as Anne Graham Lotz (daughter of Billy Graham) and Jim Elliott (martyred missionary to a primitive tribe of Indians in South America).

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